Sometimes spending 4 hours in the pub with your co-workers is *exactly* what you need.
@RoseRed_Shoes ARE YOU KIDDING? I have the special edition DVD I can lend you after if you want to see the deleted scenes.
@RoseRed_Shoes Rodd and @kunaal84 had never seen it either. Your whole generation of Aussies missed out. It’s GNARLY. GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE!
How about I drink something that *isn’t* alcamaholic for a little bit? How about that idea?
@kunaal84 @RoseRed_Shoes Actually, I feel like watching it RIGHT NOW! To the DVD player!
Seriously, the theme to The Goonies is one of the best movie soundtracks of all time.
@knitterjp @rosered_shoes @kunaal84 The Special Edition DVD, by the way, has commentary by the grown-up cast. Josh Brolin is BRUTALLY HOT.
@knitterjp @rosered_shoes @kunaal84 For more information:
@kunaal84 @knitterjp @RoseRed_Shoes You just totes ruined my Halloween costume. (WHY ARE YOU NOT ON SKYPE?)
“Well Mrs. Walsh, I speak perfect Spanish! And I’d be happy to communicate with Rosalita…” This was *such* a good idea.
@RoseRed_Shoes @knitterjp @kunaal84 I used to take my blog a lot more seriously.
@knitterjp @kunaal84 @rosered_shoes The Snook and I quote Data at least once a fortnight: “I am wondering, what is in the bag?!”
@drkknits @kunaal84 @knitterjp @RoseRed_Shoes And thus commences the Sean Astin Appreciation Club. Paging @imdominating…
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @kunaal84 @knitterjp I have switched to the live broadcast so I may watch along with you. DAMN, ANDIE SUCKS.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @kunaal84 @knitterjp Martha Plimpton (Stef) is AWESOME. I saw her onstage in a play in Chicago once. Fantastic.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @kunaal84 @knitterjp In high school we watched The Goonies translated in German. Hilariously, gnarly = gnarly.
@knitterjp @drkknits @rosered_shoes @kunaal84 Trivia: They hid the pirate ship from the kids til the sequence when they first see it.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @knitterjp @kunaal84 Let’s be honest: Worst. CGI. Rocks. Ever.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @knitterjp @kunaal84 “You are my best invention.” *sob*
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @knitterjp @kunaal84 “Sloth? You’re gonna live with me now. I’m gonna take care of ya… because I love ya.” *sob*
Mikey is lucky he lives in America and not the UK, where those jewels would be, like treasure trove. And then his house would be foreclosed.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @knitterjp @kunaal84 And now it is time for some Cyndi Lauper randomness:
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @knitterjp I have switched to Kate Beckinsale in “Emma.” Because I’m all high-falutin and shit.
Ugh. Goonies is over and I think my hangover is starting to kick in…
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @knitterjp Me neither. I did care a great deal for Jeremy Northam, though. Too bad he’s not in this one.
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @knitterjp Wow. Kate Beckinsale before she got all slutty and vampire-y. I need to watch Cold Comfort Farm again…
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @knitterjp Mark Strong. OH DEAR GOD, HE’S THE BADDIE FROM KICK-ASS. WTF.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @knitterjp It was on a few nights ago. I recorded it for just such an occasion.
The best part of being married to @the_snook is when I say, “Hey, Prunella Scales!” he barkes without a beat from the other room: “BASIL!”
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @lifehacker So. Not. Paleo.
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @knitterjp But wow. Farmer Martin is kind of a babe. So this version has that going for it.
@drkknits Are you saying I should stop tweeting you?
This Mr. Knightley is a dick.
For the record: James Squire Orchard Crush cider is *very* tasty. But damn, it gives a wicked headache a few hours later.