Ow. Anesthetic has worn off, and now my knee feels like it’s been hammered and stuck with needles (which it has).
Oh Internet, you are the Best. Thing. Ever. http://t.co/i5Nd9xNN (I wouldn’t vote for him even if he did a Chicken Dance.)
Saw some ladies in gorgeous vintage dresses just now in the Rocks. I think @mrs_sockvictim’s show must be filming nearby again!
@mrs_sockvictim Are you in the neighbourhood then? *waves out the window* 🙂
@sthcrft Having taught some older people about the Internet at Knitters Guild meetings — Yes. That’s exactly what they think.
I will admit to being a foodie hipster wanker. http://t.co/OFaKnNMI But I submit to you that no one, ever, has used the term “foochebag.”
@stringy I use Balsamiq mockups. Love it! You can do simple prototypes, but it’s not as interactive as something like Axure.
Gnawing on a turkey leg at my desk, just like our caveman ancestors used to do. @ Sitback Solutions http://t.co/n5N2iYRG
@redambition Yep. They needed them for carving websites into rocks!
@drkknits @redambition All the caveman hipsters were instagramming their lunches. “TOTES WOOLLY MAMMOTH, LOL.”
@rainnwilson They had curling irons before electricity. You had to put them in the fire. There’s a scene with one in “Little Women.”
@drkknits Not for weeks yet! You’ve got to pace your excitement. 🙂
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @the_snook DAMMIT. I HADN’T TOLD HIM YET.
Congratulations @avechoco and welcome to baby Mitchell!!!!!
@knitterjp No knitting for me tonight. Stupid knee. I’m really limping. Going to head home and drink some medicinal wine, I think.
@drkknits At my house, we have the type that comes in a box. I’d claim it was “hipster authenticity,” but really we’re just frugal drunks.
WTF. Too bad I never registered with the Consulate. From now on, I’m Canadian, eh?! http://t.co/C1sDBUQP
@witty_knitter @redambition Just updated mine, no dramas. Did it via iTunes though, as I didn’t have space to do over-the-air.
Sneak peek at the sewing project I just finished! I’m going to wear it to work tomorrow… http://t.co/kbOkUxPg
@GOGET Have you been hacked? Got a dodgy DM from your account…
@randomknits Yep, still trying to get the sizing right. I’ll probably make at least one more. 🙂
@codepo8 Huh. I didn’t realise that ginger males suffered the stereotype of being feisty and firey as well.
I made myself another shirt! It’s an altered Tova in cotton eyelet. Very happy with it! http://t.co/pNAUFwMZ