Shared today on Twitter

Stressing about everything to make for Halloween party, then realised I have an army of friends who always offer to help. Outsourcing FTW!

@randomknits Ooh, nice! (As long as NO PEEPS ARE INVOLVED.)

@ptinutz @zephyrama I’ve sewn invisible zip in with regular zipper foot. You can’t do it with a normal foot though. Can’t get close enough.

Halloween is here: time for trick or bleat (Or as I like to say: SUCK IT HATERS.)

Candy Man: How to Make Alton Brown’s Candy Corn

@randomknits @AusVintageGrrl @ptinutz @zephyrama I got this Brother invis. zip foot: Works fine in my Janome!

@randomknits @AusVintageGrrl @ptinutz @zephyrama Also, I have used Colette’s tutorial for all mine with good results!

@drkknits Oh nice! How was the pattern? Did it work out?

Accidentally left wellies at work last week. SCORE! Thanks, Past Kristy.

@zephyrama What. The. Hell. That curvey foot thing looks MAGIC.

RT @thebestjasmine: OMG RT @tedr: Picture of a grizzly bear checking out a boy in a bear costume at a zoo

@gilmae So was a lot of crap! Fun stuff should be embraced, regardless of where it came from. (I personally celebrate Robbie Burns Night.)

@gilmae You mean trick-or-treating? It’s not mandatory for grow ups. Just turn off your porch light. If I had a tv show, I’d tell everyone!

@redambition I got one at Coles Broadway previous weekend. Same price…

@drkknits I’m having whiskey. (Insomnia struck again.)

@StuartCRyan Hello yourself! Just having an idle surf before I head to bed. *yawn*

@stufromoz @StuartCRyan I wondered how he found me to follow… 🙂

@randomknits What was the book?

I really should stop wearing full skirts on breezy days. That’s twice now I’ve nearly flashed all of Broadway.

@lemon_lime Yay! And I got a pie plate on my lap. And some DVDs so you will understand our costume. 🙂

I gave @kunaal84 his wedding gift today: a hand knitted cricket vest! Happily, it fits. 🙂

Frocktober #15. Vintage dress from Jonathan Summers of Sydney.