Voting via email is pretty cool, but you don’t get a sticker from the polling place.
Good grief. If I was standing next to the accountant, we’d look like Jess and CeCe from New Girl. And spoiler – I’m not the CeCe.
Woo! Won office prize for Best Dressed Female. WINE! #winning
I did not win the sweeps. Hopefully this is because the universe intends me to win the Lotto tonight.
Just remembered why I always associate US election results with a hangover. #MelbourneCup
@mattgemmell Not judging by my Facebook wall. I went to high school with a lot of people who tend to vote against their best interests.
RT @BarackObama: This guy’s counting on you:,
@randomknits I had one. Love the idea of it, but had it removed after 6 months. Didn’t work as well for me as my Depo.
@nolim1t I suspect you cheated on that one, Barry. 🙂