Shared today on Twitter

@gusseting @zeldman Is it how to use apostrophes correctly? 🙂

@mikeefreedom Sweet. We’ll be there from 7:30. Paju BBQ in Newtown

@RoseRed_Shoes Cheers for that. Thinking of getting one…

RT @crumpet: Having my own little “just cracked a grand” on @pozible party (inside my head)! Thank you!

RT @nolim1t: How to hire awesome devs without spending money on recruiters

OF COURSE I ran into @zosainsbury on the bus when she looks like a ROCKSTAR and I’m dressed like an aggressively casual troll.

Dinner with some Sitbackers! (@ Paju BBQ Korean Restaurant)

I am far too old to be in a Newtown hotel on a Wednesday night. (@ Cooper’s Hotel w/ 2 others)

@drkknits @knitterjp @redambition Yes, I so am. Retreated home to my cookie pants and my stupid cats. That’s better…

@drkknits @knitterjp @smark31 What an interesting contribution you’ve made! 😛

@kcarruthers Ah, but that one leaves off Jill’s identical twin sister! Not kidding. I am addicted to this particular scandal.

@brockleyboyo Oh cool! Does the real one have a cannon??

RT @Oatmeal: New comic: Some thoughts and musings about making things for the web // This is a good one.

George Street is setting a record for traffic shittiness today. Been sitting outside Town Hall for a good 10 minutes now.