Shared today on Twitter

Eating my first ever Chinese salted plum, courtesy of Nathan. *shudder* I gave up not long after.

Have to cancel ticket to @yow_oz. Disappointed.

@yow_oz @knitterjp Boo to the client who scheduled a big important meeting that day that can’t be moved. 🙁

@yow_oz I emailed organiser yesterday to cancel my ticket but haven’t heard back yet. Can you help? Want to make sure another GGD can use it

@Lisa_Cumes Thank you very much! Will let the lovely folks at @GGDSydney know…

@yow_oz It’s okay, @Lisa_Cumes sorted it out for me! Thanks…

This traffic is KILLING ME, BUSTER. I just want to get to @TheDuckInnPub for a beer with the MetaFilter folks!

I just ousted @suzidafnis as the mayor of The Duck Inn Pub & Kitchen on @foursquare!

MeFi Meetup! (@ The Duck Inn Pub & Kitchen) [pic]:

RT @Helen__H: Tips and Tricks on How to Succeed as a Woman in Tech

I continue to be freaked out by how much the lovely host at @TheDuckInnPub looks EXACTLY like @lemon_lime.

The Autism Advantage // Fascinating. Autistic people make good software testers. Pretty much knew that, but good read.

Leading a training session LIKE A BOSS. (@ Optus Centre)