On the 14th floor at the American Club. Beautiful view! @ The American Club http://t.co/diRiDJP8
The adorable French waiter just carded me. The drinking age here is 18. AND HE CARDED ME. My day = made.
My gift in the Secret Santa – a beaded knitted Rudolph ball courtesy of Alison! http://t.co/dOmEvU5p
Hey, @drkknits took a non-terrible photo of me! http://t.co/M7uDC0iK
@3rd_Gen_ Awww, thanks. I was mostly teasing @drkknits because she always takes terrible photos where I have bad posture and 4 chins. 🙂
@smark31 I have a video message to deliver to you from everyone! When’s better to visit – this evening or tomorrow?
RT @m_hef: As homeopathy & vaccine debate flares again, here is a useful guide to understanding how homeopathy actually works http:/ …
@ericscheid That’s probably due to me.
@ericscheid In a Venn diagram of Sydney knitters and Sydney Internet people, I’m smack dab in the middle.
Wow. 5 cranes at UTS for the salvage operation! @ Broadway http://t.co/Ee29f3sx
@smark31 I’ll come by in the morning then. Let me know if you’d like anything!
@twelveeyes PRETTY!
How Costco Became the Anti-Wal-Mart – New York Times http://t.co/wd6wWqUt // cc @drkknits