Kris’s Law: As soon as I get a sleep tracker, my sleep starts being great. As soon as I get real time bus GPS data, I catch all the buses.
@drkknits Or I am a GOD. Apparently my observing a thing causes the universe to bend to my will.
I have recently become addicted to Fruit Ninja. Then I saw a girl on the bus playing this morning and she looked RIDICULOUS. Now I’m sad.
@nolim1t I’ve got that one, the Fitbit One. However it doesn’t work with my iPhone 4, so I can only sync with Mac via dongle for now.
@miftik Dont’ have an XBox. I’m happy playing it on iPad and iPhone. I just meant she looked silly playing it in public. ๐
@nolim1t The annoying thing is both my Macs have Bluetooth 4, but it still requires dongle. Apparently they’re working on it.
@nolim1t And the dongle is TINY. I don’t want to carry it around for fear I’ll lose it.
@toastman Or the “HapiFork”.
@drkknits Are you also ordering your new computer yet?
@TheBACoach Friended! And you’re kicking my butt today. Oh wait! It’s way later where you are. Now I don’t feel so bad. ๐
@drkknits Oh man. I don’t want to sound too hipster, but new Mac unboxings are such a magical experience. ๐
@TheBACoach I am. But I’ve got an iPhone4 and it doesn’t sync with that, so I can only sync via a dongle at home til I upgrade phones.
@witty_knitter @drkknits Hahaha, you have both drunk the Kool-Aid. ๐
@drkknits Don’t let us give you unrealistic expectations. You will have frustrations. Sometimes things break. Apple are not perfect.
@drkknits They just make more of an effort at an emotional connection to electronics than other companies do. Some people respond to that.
@stufromoz Having worked with a charity recently – they know. But spruikers are MASSIVELY effective for them. It’s depressing.
@stufromoz It’s like spam. You are not the target audience. ๐
@stufromoz It is, though. I saw numbers. Spruikers far and away best return on charity marketing spend. ๐
Congrats to @Sitback team (including me!) that worked on launch of mobile site! Check it out on your phone. ๐
@randomknits @drkknits Huh. I don’t mind iPhoto. I haven’t used other photo management software though.
@knitterjp Wanted to go, but hair situation is desperate. At the salon instead. ๐
I feel the need for a big change. Colour, length, or both? (@ Travis George Hair Lounge)
@drkknits But I’m so booooorrrrred with it!
@drkknits @BendalongMorgan So you want me to look like… a tiger. Yeah. Not gonna happen. ๐
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits Just consulted with Ruth. She has a vision. Shorter. Lighter. With perhaps some chunky reddish bits.
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits I’ve had that. Twice. It’s fun, but all your pillowcases go pink and it’s so much upkeep. Fades fast.
Started by chopping off a couple inches…
There is a lot of foil happening. I always feel vaguely guilt about that, in a bleeding-heart Greenie way.
@drkknits Aluminum is a non-renewable resource!
Shorter, with copper chunks. My head feels 5lbs lighter.
@drkknits I think the Aniston-mess is due to the blow dry. Tucked behind my ears it looks much more “Kris.”
@drkknits You’ve mistaken me for my cousin @imdominating. She’s the one who likes it kosher. ๐ (Bazinga.)
@MetalheadMick You mean Goodfellas. ๐
RT @Y7News: LATEST on fire at #Sydney’s Lansdowne Hotel // Whoa, just saw it as I left for work. 1 block from my house!
@randomknits @redambition Thinking about signing up for Gertie’s online class to help with Tiki Anxiety: Thoughts?