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It’s too hot to wear actual shoes. Luckily @the_snook hooked me up. #swag

Officially joined the Pale Women Who Carry a Parasol Club today. #hot

Observatory Hill (which I can see from my office) just registered 44.9C. That’s 112F. Hence the parasol. #effinghot

RT @steven_noble: @web_goddess You managed to get “parasol” and “effing” into the same Tweet! // I’m such a lady, I know. 🙂

RT @RoseRed_Shoes: Wha? Just turned over to cricket. Aus 7/37 in 15th over?! I’d be demanding my money back. // Now 8/38!! What the hell?!

@chrisgander Hey, kinda! Beard and similar glasses. That dude’s got a little more hair though. 🙂

@drkknits @pinkcatknits Damn you! In thumbnail I didn’t realise there were feet in the photo. Then I clicked.

@lemon_lime @drkknits @pinkcatknits Only in recent years. Mostly due to a flood of horrible feet photos from knitters.

@lemon_lime @drkknits @pinkcatknits You did. My own feet don’t gross me out like others’. 🙂

Dear lace knitting: I HATE YOU AND YOUR ASS-FACE.

@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @lemon_lime I’m just annoyed I didn’t use it as the title of my Easter Show Entry. “ASS-FACE RED LACE SCARF”

@drkknits @lemon_lime @RoseRed_Shoes @randomknits I GODDAMN DID THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN! YOU MOCKERS TOTES CURSED ME!

*Somebody* doesn’t mind that I suck at knitting lace. *Somebody* is the handsomest boy in the whole world!

THE LACE IS OFF THE NEEDLES! Phew. I’m never doing *that* again. Now, who’s got blocking wires? @randomknits?

This is momentous. There is Android in our house. See? Not total fanboys.

Snook: “It has voice search, see? ‘What is the weather like?’” *reads from screen* “‘What is… a retard?’” Me: “BWAHAHAHA!” #android #fail

@knitdra Oh man, that seriously sucks. I love the light in that kitchen!

Breakfast (@ Hoochie Mamma Cafe)

I bought a Brie from Harris Farm last Saturday. We ate it all up. Now @the_snook is imagining he has listeriosis.