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@randomknits Whoa. Didn’t hear anything here!

@randomknits Ah, she’s working there? I didn’t know that! Where? Will have to say hi sometime. 🙂

He’s always such a good sport, helping out with my wacky schemes!

The 11th annual w-g Oscar contest begins very soon…

After six weeks of great sleep, I was due for a bad night, I guess. *yawn*

@laimelde Best of luck!

@redambition I disliked it. If a dude offers me a seat, I assume he thinks I’m pregnant. I wear comfy shoes for a reason and I can stand.

@drkknits @redambition Article wasn’t about everybody being polite tho. It was about men being obligated to patronise women in silly shoes.

@drkknits @redambition I mean, it’s not combat. I can stand upright for 15 minutes and I resent it if somebody thinks I can’t due to ovaries

I dislike slow buses and crappy drivers as much as anyone, but this stroppy entitled chick yelling at him is not improving the situation.

@drkknits @redambition I still don’t get why respect is men being obligated to stand for us. It’s just tradition. There’s no real reason.

@drkknits @redambition Sure, men in 50’s took off hat for women. I submit to you that I’d still rather live now and go without that.

@liamvhogan I save my ire for everybody else on the road who is not on a bus. WE’RE TRYING TO HAVE A SOCIETY, YOU SELFISH PETROL-GUZZLERS.

@drkknits @redambition I think a man respects me more when he assumes I can take care of myself.

@drkknits @redambition Disrespect for women takes a lot worse forms than failure to make gallant bow when offering a fainting damsel a seat!

@Justacogitating I’ve lost the ability to know when I’m using non-standard American English. 🙂

@drkknits @redambition If all the stupid sheeple on the bus would move down the aisles, I’d happily never take a seat again. #petpeeve

@redambition @drkknits Sure, as long as “others” on this Venn diagram does not solely consist of women. And we shouldn’t expect it either.

@redambition @drkknits I just found article patronising in a “aren’t I such a nice gentleman” way. Like “Nice guys” on the Internet.

@redambition @drkknits Like we’re supposed to thank them for remembering that we’re weak and special. Whatever, lame loser! 🙂

@drkknits @redambition I just think we shouldn’t reject the stupid stuff (like being called Mrs. His Name) while accepting bits that benefit

@drkknits @redambition Yeah. “I’m equal! Except you have to pay for dates and drive the car and always let me sit while you stand.” Not fair

I spotted @Leirith this morning near the cinemas while I was stuck on Hell Bus. Hi Luke!

My knee started making an audible clicking noise as I went up the stairs at work today. Not. Good.

@liedra It’s not football like rugby. It’s football as a chess game. After each play, you set up again for optimal strategy.