Shared today on Twitter

@lemon_lime At least a lot of the comments are good. Looks like there’s a movement to fire that bigoted asshole teacher.

Amazing talk at #ggdsyd tonight about Aaron Swartz. Lots of stuff I didn’t know about him…

This is by far the most subversive #ggdsyd talk I’ve heard. She’s reading a transcript of an Anonymous video! It’s cool. I like it.

Look! @redambition is talking at #ggdsyd! (KNITTERS GUILD REPRESENT.)

@nazzer I had debate with @the_snook after about your topic. Shouldn’t the net be decentralised enough to withstand such gov meddling?

@nazzer Sure, I can see where Syria can cut off ties to world. But could US or AUS do it? I think there’d be major outcry, wouldn’t there?

Success! Donation made. Now for a cookie. (@ Red Cross Donor Centre)

Does anybody remember the name of the company at @GGDSydney last night that was looking for Drupal devs? I might know one. 🙂 #ggdsyd

@Helen__H Wait, you were there? Dammit! I was sitting like three seats to the left of @redambition!

@wheelyweb When I switched, Telstra gave me a better package for less than Optus. Being willing to switch gives you leverage! Worth a try.

@wheelyweb That’s weird. I went into Telstra shop at Broadway 18 mth ago and said I wanted to switch, and he did me a deal. New policy?