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@imdominating Also, aren’t Chick-fil-A homophobic jerks? Now I’m double boycotting them!

RT @anildash: Imagine if a rapper had 1. Threatened the President 2. Brandished assault rifles 3. Got invited to the SOTU 4. Showed up i …

RT @neil_killick: “..when engineering provides the Basis of Estimates, reality of what it takes to complete job clashes with Price to Wi …

@emmainsydney Brilliant, thanks! Have forwarded @technocrat_au’s website to my friend. Will be on the lookout for more for you… 🙂

I find it amusing that SEO “experts” (i.e. spammers) think I’d give them business when they don’t have an online presence themselves.

@knitdra I’ll buy yours from you! 🙂

@joshmillard Shh. There’s a secret club of devotees to old Tweetdeck. You can still find it online…

@knitdra Awww, thanks! If it’s free, I might be able to talk Rodd into going with me. 🙂

@RoseRed_Shoes Yeah. I’ve got one freebie (for me); I’d like one more (for him)

Getting my twee on for Valentine’s Day!

It occurs to me that with my purple shoes and skirt covered in owls, my “twee” is another person’s “manic hipster clown.”

@rachievaichie Yeah. My stepmom made my sister and I them for Christmas. Basically like a necklace!

The breakfast sausages were 3 days expired. I ate them; @the_snook didn’t. At the end of the day, we shall see who is right and who is dead.

@justalex75 Take some time off and see if it fixes itself. I didn’t – and still dealing with it a year later! Knees are tricky things.