RT @aimee_maree: “Designers learn to code so they know when a dev is lying to them” @chrisbernard << That is gold 😉 // Same goes for BAs!
@aimee_maree I spent a good hour yesterday finally learning what a Drupal feature is and why the term “revert” is used so confusingly. 🙂
@randomknits I want to praise the knitting, but all I can think is: BARBIE VAGINA PINK!!!!
I am the Hermione of physio. Shane’s very happy with my improvement! (@ The Sports Clinic) http://t.co/kmuGWjar
I just ousted @nicstaru2 as the mayor of The Sports Clinic on @foursquare! http://t.co/QjnRXmk2
On one hand, the phrase “muscle wastage” really sucks. On the other hand, I managed my first squat in over 6 months!
I tried to be a cynic, but @amandapalmer’s Bed Song video made me cry. I found her wedding ring really affecting too. http://t.co/GJy49cfl
@eobeara Unfortunately I gave in to temptation this week, so I’m back in the land of Carb Flu.