Shared today on Twitter

GAHHHH. Friggin’ hell. The only thing worse than knitting lace is blocking it. IT’S KILLING ME, BUSTER.

Managed to fix horrendous mishap and get scarf blocking. (I think @miss_reecie has a voodoo doll of me.)

Who’s watching the Oscars tomorrow? I need volunteers to count dead people for me for my Contest tie breaker… ( @imdominating?)

@drkknits @imdominating Actual awards start at 5:30 PST, which is 12:30 here.

@drkknits @miss_reecie I soaked it in the sink and two threads caught on the motherf*cking drain stopper. Pulled way out. I nearly screamed!

@drkknits @miss_reecie Had to laboriously adjust thread tension stitch by stitch to fix it. NEVER KNITTING LACE AGAIN.

Second attempt = also FAIL. I think I’m throwing in the towel. 🙁

@pyko Wait, what?! Which reader? We couldn’t get it with Google Glasses or QRReader for iPhone.

@pyko You know what this means. It means I’ve got to spend the next two weeks frantically knitting mittens!!

HOLY CRAP. Thanks to @pyko, I just discovered that the QR Code DOES work – when I read it from my laptop screen. IT’S BACK ON, BABY!

In the car on the way to North Ryde at 7:25. It’s a good thing I didn’t sleep at all last night

Garden reno has begun, and @the_snook is quoting Kevin McCloud: “It’s only the first hour of day 1, and already the project is over budget.”

@Ezzles Nah, I’m with non-sewist colleagues. 🙂

@handmethepanda @the_snook I keep saying at least we don’t need any glazing. The windows ALWAYS come late!