Shared today on Twitter

@drkknits Okay, now it’s the Warblers singing Teenage Dream. That’s totally about you hooking up.

@drkknits “Let’s go all the way tonight. No regrets, just love. We can dance until we die. You and I will be young forever!” #thinkaboutit

@drkknits Okay, I’ll stop tormenting you then. THRASH METAL IT IS! 😛

@drkknits Okay, I’ve got another schmoopy one for you though. My fave Pogues song. It’s also good to dance to.

@imdominating @drkknits Take her to the hipster place with this tasting plate of artisanal pickles. She’ll fucking love that shit. 🙂

@drkknits YAY!

@drkknits I just don’t understand academia at all. But I gather that it’s all good stuff. So double yay!

Going to my first @iiba study group session tonight! Very excited.

@QRCodeART @DrMiaow Actually, I got it to read when scanning from photo of item, not knitting itself. So maybe resolution/too much noise?

Survived my first #iiba study group and even made a friend! Looking forward to the next one. #hermionelovesschool

Having very well deserved whiskey and soda as a nightcap.

@StuartCRyan Hang on. The whole time at sydneyaug last week I was thinking “How do I know this guy?” I know you through @stufromoz!

@StuartCRyan @stufromoz I should’ve said hello in person. Sorry! I was one of the few girls there towards the end. 🙂

@StuartCRyan @stufromoz I actually went to the Support talk, so I missed it! But I saw your shirt and was like, I KNOW THAT GUY SOMEHOW. 🙂

@StuartCRyan It was good – small but informative. I was mostly just curious. Sounds like their support team is very similar to Google’s.

@drkknits You’ve got one more monitor than me, but I’ve got fuzzy cat butt too.