The garden wall is going up!
The Nescafe machine at work has broken my brain. I keep expecting espresso machine at home to auto-stop, but it doesn’t. #firstworldproblem
RT @clepetit: All hail Lord @henrytapia. Heβs been on display on the Support Wallboard on loop for the past few days:
@henrytapia @clepetit Were you really hungover that day? π
@i386 I totally missed the text with @mcannonbrookes’s name/role, so I thought he was some funky designer-type. Did a double-take later. π
@drkknits Then you’d be all FUCK YOU YANKS all the time. So it’s really much of a muchness, from my perspective. π
RT @RonJeffries: OK, I wish I had thought of @CatUserStories // Hahaha, I agree. That’s pretty brilliant.
@PaulTheBA Brilliant, thanks. This was definitely a topic of some concern at our @IIBA BABOK study group last night!
RT @PaulTheBA: Take at least 6 months after #BABOK v3 to change #iiba certification exams. You’re safe to take exam until Q214 at least …
Well, now I can say I’ve poked wet cement. Major life milestone there.
@barrysaunders I just can’t figure out why that talk was at a tech conference at all. I certainly wouldn’t expect it.
@phoebegoh Just slightly wet sand. It’s too set for me to write our names in it. Tomorrow I’ll get out there before they’re finished. π
@barrysaunders Possibly. But the description of the talk doesn’t sound like bodily security: “…help you engineer your sex life…”??
@barrysaunders I haven’t seen slides, maybe it’s more security oriented than it sounds. But it sounds only tangentially related to tech.
@barrysaunders HN comments make it sound less oddball than I thought. Sounds like it was a fine topic for BSides. Hm.
@mudsurfer @PaulTheBA I’m interested in the answer to that question too, since I’m considering going for it…
@mudsurfer @PaulTheBA I know you get an actual certificate and a pin, because the facilitator at the study group last night showed us. π
Just got request to post “Please donate to medical fund” in Aussie Knitters on Rav. Ugh. I said yes since it’s for an Aussie. Bad precedent?
@misswired @the_snook Must’ve been. As far as I know, he’s currently en route on foot from Pyrmont to Chippendale. OR IS HE???
@witty_knitter @drstip Yep, that’s the one. I thought it was a random scam too, but it looks legit. I said no til I saw she was Aussie.
@the_snook @misswired Ahem. As your wife, I think I need to meet this clone.
@witty_knitter @drstip I saw they posted it in the Skein group, and then an Expat Knitters group as well.
@katejf Oh, I didn’t donate. I just gave the ok for then to post it in the forum.
@katejf Heh. They’d have torn her apart for asking. π
@redambition @witty_knitter I have some sympathy. The US medical system is fucked. I shared a friend’s fundraising link on FB today.
@that_alison Actually it’s for an Aussie in the US. There people go bankrupt when they get sick. π
@katejf Well, the friend is in the US as well, and it’s the middle of the night there. So it probably won’t go up for some time yet.
@katejf The person who is injured is in hospital. Her friend is sending out an appeal to every Rav group that she was a member of.
For the curious, the fundraising page in question is herre: If you want to prove to me that it’s a scam, please do.
Huh. So placentophagy is paleo. (cc @knitdra) My high school bio teacher brought in his wife’s placenta once.
I think if I ever start a rock band, it will be called ENCAPSULATED PLACENTOPHAGY.
Ohdeargod they’ve turned the old roastery in Chippo into a sourdough bakery. THE CARBS. THEY ARE CALLING TO ME NOW.
@knitdra He kept it in the freezer until we studied mammals. So we just looked at it. π
@knitdra Rodd told me quite seriously that he read that January Jones ate hers. I have no idea how he knows this.
Hell is: having to clean up all the crappy PHP you wrote 8 years ago now that your host finally turned off register_globals.
@pyko @TimBags You would not believe the withering looks you get from a Google employee when you confess such a crime.
@witty_knitter Nope. I’m not touching that code ever again! π
@alexdickson Eh, it works pretty well for what it is. Just have to replace all the $this with $_POST[“this”]. Borrrrrring. π
RT @ebertchicago: “Why We Love Beautiful Things.” NYTimes thinkpiece on design.
@miss_reecie You may have discovered why nobody enters that category. π
RT @uncrate: Lasso Flat-Packed Slippers // Ugly/comfy shoes + DIY = Definitely My Bag, Baby
I asked the builders if I could put our initials in the wet concrete. They obliged.
@knitdra The cement didn’t allow much for complex shapes. It’s like drawing in sticky sand!
@drkknits I have no idea if there’s any security risk really, but you wanna blur out those card numbers?
@drkknits I could test it for you by ordering some books from Amazon. π
@randomknits If you think you might come to Camp later in the year, I think the discount will probably pay for itself.
@Helen__H @pyko Does everybody get to participate in ShipIt? I wondered if it was just engineers.