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Spotted a lady in some funky, comfy looking clogs at lunch. Said hello. Turns out she’s from Chicago! Of course.

Went to toilet and it was dark. First thought: is the power out? Then remembered I’m in proper office. Discovered they’re MOTION ACTIVATED!

Beers with my project team (my first all month!). (at @TasteBaguette & Grill)

@knitdra And $5 tap beers at happy hour! Can’t beat that. πŸ™‚

I am only person on my project tam who doesn’t have kids. Interestingly, I’m also only one whose weekend plans include pancakes & cartoons.

I wasn’t kidding about the pancakes and cartoons.

@codepo8 And he’s Radagast the Brown in the Hobbit. HEILMANNNNN, COME ON!

They make it very hard to complain about the electricity bill. #bliss

@handmethepanda So am I. We’re wimps. πŸ™‚

My least fave part of Grand Designs is this thing where the women always have to pick the frigging interior furnishings. Ugh.

@richbuggy Have in the sense that they always do. It’s as predictable as Kevin questioning the husband’s manhood.

RT @jchyip: Hard yakka: Why Atlassian’s founders are the pride of Australia’s startup world via @pandodaily

@Rellarc79 General rule is if all symptoms are above the neck, exercise is ok. If you have any below – cough, etc – better to rest.

@Rellarc79 Judgement call. Rest is always good, and you won’t stall fitness or weight loss.