@chrisgander Nice! There was a similar blog/website somebody started last year.
@imdominating I have to vote NO on monkey face boobs.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Georgina Sparks is AWESOME.
@drkknits Twitter owns Tweetdeck. Facebook owns Instagram. Twitter hates Facebook. Ergo, they yanked Instagram integration.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes The answer to every “Why is Chuck wearing that?” question is always “Because he’s Chuck Bass.”
Hobbit with Thorin Oakenshield and Kunaal! (@ Hayden Orpheum Picture Palace w/ 7 others) [pic]: http://t.co/CJbrcbMsld
Huh. Thorin is HOT in real life. http://t.co/o3GhuYyR1D