Big changes happening. Again.
@knitdra Nah, it’s actually sad!
@jojoconstance Yes, I think so! Made a big job decision. 🙂
@surrenderdotty @witty_knitter @stufromoz @19bk69 Actually the story of how I know Andrew is weirdest of all…
@surrenderdotty @witty_knitter @stufromoz @19bk69 @lotsofco Yep. I invited a random to Halloween based an blog comments. 😛 And you came!
@witty_knitter @stufromoz @19bk69 @surrenderdotty I just always assume all The Gays know each other. I mean, you have meetings, right? 😛
@mikeefreedom I discovered Pogo a year or two ago. It’s brilliant, eh? Great for background listening while coding too.
OHMYGOD I just realised The Hound from Game of Thrones is the guy in the wheelchair from The Book Club. HOW DID I NOW KNOW THIS. MIND BLOWN.
Lamb roast, pumpkin purée, and Brussels sprouts. #domesticgoddess
@mrs_sockvictim You don’t want a realistic looking fake baby to dress up in outfits and sit on your mantle?