Shared today on Twitter

@Yarna_ Same here! Hoping @knitterjp made it home okay after duelling with asshole on Chippo side street

@randomknits @gilmae Haha, you were tempted too! Excellent. What colour? Did your dough make the top portion jiggle around?

Watching Grand Designs, and hilarious Pom just disparaged IKEA while assembling the exact couch Iā€™m sitting on right now.

@codepo8 That would be hilarious porn that included an IKEA critique. šŸ™‚

Shocked from seeing strong, capable woman reduced to tears by sniping of others. Making resolution to be kinder to everyone this week.

@chrisgander Is it really good? The trailer looks amazing. Almost made me want to buy a console!

Eight hours of hand sewing on the weekend have left me with carpal tunnel pain and a blister on my needle finger.

RT @flipsimmons: Game of Thrones lovers – how great are these?!