Who’s going to Guild? I have a wicked headache. Can someone give my apologies? (cc @knitterjp @Yarna_ @witty_knitter @mrs_sockvictim)
@witty_knitter @drkknits I’m still in the onesie. Onesie for Life!
@knitterjp Thanks. If Camp comes up, please tell folks that we’re up to about 25 attendees now. Class schedule published soon. Don’t delay!
@imdominating @Lackadazy @awkwordly @rainbowrowell Count me on that particular bandwagon.
Pacific Rim – EXTREMESCREEN! (at @HoytsTheatres w/ 2 others) http://t.co/RHHWqQPBUh
Pacific Rim: EXCELLENT. Robots, monsters, kickass Mako Mori, Idris Elba’s butt, but also the worst Aussie accents ever committed to film.
As soon as I give up on sleeping, the Snook stops snoring.
@mrs_sockvictim I think your blog is broken!