Shared today on Twitter

Whoa! Just discovered 5 more registrations for @KnitGuildNSW Camp! Sneaky @ClareLouise1308 recording them secretly… 🙂

@misswired @esmewatson Don’t talk to me about knitting. I’m stuck on an endless pair of sleeves and it’s KILLING ME.

Incident with mandolin (the food kind) has rather affected my iPhone usage today. Idea: conductive Band-Aids!

@randomknits Nah, we’re just over 1/3 capacity now. That said, capacity = 90 which would be unheard of. Aiming for 50.

@ClareLouise1308 Sweet! I will send out initial responses and update budget later tonight then. Woo!

@smark31 *narrows eyes*

Channeling my Appalachian heritage to make a baking soda poultice for a crappy splinter in my left hand.

@tinkabel I can’t tell. If it came out, it was tiny. Seems to be less sore today. If not out, I’m gonna slice the sucker I guess.