@supercres MSG! The secret ingredient in most of my family’s Korean recipes. ๐
@supercres I just knew it as Ajinomoto growing up. It was ages before I realised it was MSG. http://t.co/ipgEBTNjDN
Lunch with the Sitback boys! (@ Nakashima) http://t.co/uI7MIKBWGz
RT @chieftech: DISRUPT.SYDNEY on 5th Sept is now a free event – register at http://t.co/WlYiFNolZR (cc @timparsons)
@catehstn Hey, fellow Mi9er Sam B got invite to Sept 11 event, but @knitterjp and I haven’t yet. Did we miss out? ๐
I was due for a reality check, I guess.
is in no mood to suffer fools or social niceties tonight.
@witty_knitter @redambition Oh, just a few minor annoyances in quick succession. That stupid Rav thread didn’t help.
@redambition @randomknits @witty_knitter Extra fun part: one of the other mods is retiring. Who wants the job? I nominate M-H, just for fun!
@witty_knitter @randomknits @redambition BOOM. Go forth and wreak havok.
@randomknits @witty_knitter @redambition Some knitters just want to watch the world burn…
@witty_knitter @randomknits @redambition There’s no could about it. I pulled the trigger. You’ve got the power.
Drinking $10 cooking port. Just about the last alcohol in the house.
@drkknits It’s to the point now where we’re timing international flights to keep the duty-free bar stocked up.
@witty_knitter @randomknits @redambition What would be the point of being a mod otherwise? ๐
Only a few people left who haven’t booked into their Camp workshops. *LOOKS STERNLY AT @randomknits AND ALSO ZENA WHO IS NOT ON TWITTER*
@randomknits WHAT?! This is what I get for fast-forwarding commercials. What happened to Ketut??
@garethrhughes Is it the name or the concept you disagree with? ๐
@garethrhughes Everybody sucks at estimation. I agree it feels a little juvenile, but I’m also enough of a data nerd to want MEASUREMENT.
@garethrhughes Ah. I come from that world too. Unfortunately we sucked at it so, so badly. Everything ran over every time.
@garethrhughes So it’s just abstraction then. 1 pt for me = 8 hrs, or some such equivalency.
@garethrhughes I’m still new to it. I’m surprised how well it’s averaging out on Jump-in though, in spite of all the fudging!
@randomknits Tunisian’s closed – you missed the boat on that one. It’s really only important if you want Dairing or Lace.
@randomknits Cool, cool. You are officially booked in for NOTHING then! (I still get the satisfaction of crossing your name off my list.)
@drkknits @randomknits Breakfast from 8am, lazy boneses.
@randomknits @drkknits I’m just sad Tianne isn’t bring the cornet.
RT @catehstn: Women in Computer Science: It’s a Hard Problem (a rant about men who think they have the answers, but don’t) http://t.co/L0dtโฆ
@catehstn I made it to my mid-20’s before I dropped out. Only came back because we got a mortgage.
@witty_knitter @randomknits @drkknits More time with the masseuse for me! (Did I not mention the masseuse?) ๐
“Whoopie pies have failed to catch on.” http://t.co/3CRDuAgiwM TELL ME ABOUT IT.
@catehstn @knitterjp Got mine! Thank you!