First leg of trip complete! Now heading to Indiana on the redeye… (@ Los Angeles International Airport (LAX))
Back in the Midwest. Still feels like coming home, a bit. (@ Chicago O’Hare International Airport (ORD) w/ 51 others)
I literally cannot remember the last time I was in Fort Wayne. (@ Fort Wayne International Airport (FWA) – @flyfwa)
@brown_note It’s too grey and rainy for a yeehaw, sadly.
This appears to be the only place in Butler with free wifi. It’s also where all the retirees hang out on weekdays.
It’s BINGO NIGHT at the American Legion! No hipster irony here. I love this. (@ American Legion Post 202) [pic]:
@AtelierMeg @happyspider6 Still hacked! I got another one!
My Grandma is a Bingo BOSS. @ American Legion Post 202
Grandma has a bingo caddy with all her accoutrements. I am a university educated professional and I have no effing clue what I’m doing.