Beware the white walkers! (Going to see GRRM talk Game of Thrones tonight!)
But first, zombie girl’s eatin’ some barbecue.
White Walker and man of the Night’s Watch takin’ the bus.
I now see the appeal of dressing like a zombie. You literally can’t mess it up.
This place is packed. We appear to be the ONLY people in costume. (@ Sydney Opera House – @sohnews) [pic]:
The Monica Geller side of me thinks this means WE WIN.
I thought that guy was dressed as Jon Snow for a minute, but he’s just a hipster.
Before the talk, skulking in the front row!
There’s GRRM, heading off the stage. Fascinating to listen to!
Tonight I learned: Bran is pronounced like Raisin Bran; Cersei is “Ser-say” not “Ser-see”; and Lena Headey is even more beautiful in person.
@drkknits I told Rodd I was prepared to offer him a look down the cleavage if he’d confirm my theory of Jon Snow’s parentage.
@drkknits Sadly, didn’t get the chance!
I cannot wait to wash this crap out of my hair and off my face!
@gilmae Sister!
@gilmae Except Ned never told her. The only person who knows is Howland Reed. She just thinks he’s Ned’s bastard.
@chrisgander I was hoping for drunk Cersei, but drunk Lena is even more fun!