@drkknits Awww, you are a good person. Thank you for doing that!
Heard from my Dad and Step-Mom: they’re fine, no tornado damage, but power is out. Phew.
@katejf Hahaha, wait, what? Knooking? That’s RIDICULOUS. 🙂
RT @feesable: shame @SydOperaHouse: http://t.co/G6SZ2lWhxv yet another interesting idea b0rked by greed. My response is here: https://t.co/…
@richardmclaren That matches my experience. When I got a mobile in London in 2000, I was first of my US family/friends by FAR.
Time to save some lives! (@ Red Cross Blood Donor Centre Town Hall – @redcrossbloodau) http://t.co/1tPlZY4jO8
I may be a chunker these days, but blood pressure and iron levels still excellent. Thanks, paleo!
@mattallen Cupcakes are a SOMETIMES FOOD. 🙂
@drkknits I know. But I’m also a LOT less fit than I was two years ago. It’s really getting to me.