@drkknits Cool! Congratulations.
Tiny spring broke in our microwave door; it won’t latch. Called Service. They’re replacing whole microwave. Planned obsolescence is sad.
Dinner: butterfly pork, green beans, and spicy pan-roasted cauliflower. #imadeit http://t.co/m0T0SbjvvT
Lego Night! We’re building the Opera House. http://t.co/OXCr1VpjcZ
It’s a little Opera House. That was fun! And we got it in LegoLand too. http://t.co/YJktbsGjhB
Sydneysiders: where’s the best place to get a photo with Santa?
@RoseRed_Shoes Hm. Cheapest package is $20 for single photo…
@RoseRed_Shoes I know – was just surprised! Some of those are like $50+!
@randomknits @ImagiNERDtive Good ideas, but too far! CBD is best for this lazy office worker.
English Has a New Preposition, Because Internet – http://t.co/iJmSIPiUPp
How odd. Got a request from @ScorchAU to remove actual legit blog link to one of their clients, because of previous linkspamming.
We rolled out search on @Jump_in yesterday and people seem to REALLY like it! http://t.co/7IXWZ4gF0g
@drkknits Yay! Let me know if it’s online later and I’ll listen. 🙂