Huh. A couple people at work are suggesting that I may have been concussed when the ocky strap hit me Saturday. It’s possible.
Fun delivery at work today… Too bad it didn’t come with any games!
I may have an available ticket for Mandy Patinkin + Nathan Gunn tonight at the Opera House at 8pm. Anybody interested?
@stufromoz @Feistywenchyone You’re not helping me! Sadly, it looks like Mr Snook will have to come whether he feels up to it or not…
Continental knitters: do you hold your left index finger up to tension wool? Does that get painful? What’s an alternative? *cracks knuckles*
Mandy Patinkin and Nathan Gunn in concert! (@ Sydney Opera House – @sohnews w/ 6 others)
Lady behind me: “Was he doing Zorro?” Me: “That was Inigo Montoya from the Princess Bride. You MUST see it.” #philistines
@mikeefreedom At the Opera House, just after seeing Mandy Patinkin sing for 2 hours.