RT @halcrawford: Ninemsn and Daily Mail teaming up to launch Daily Mail Australia http://t.co/PlVhBEeaeB
RT @TrendsSydney: ‘mi9’ is now trending in #Sydney http://t.co/pCmfpRNn0r
@nolim1t Great! I’ll be there, along with @the_snook.
@drkknits That looks lovely!
@gilmae Not so much CBA as area I was in. Infrastructure. Not my thing. Also office at Olympic Park was pain. They do some cool stuff tho!
Realisation: I would actually love if my living room looked like Ron Burgundy’s.
Modern 9th anniversary gift is meant to be leather. I think I chose well. #handysmurf #phwoar http://t.co/kBwVp21I1w
Ready for Thanksgiving! (Coworkers get the pretty one; Mr Snook gets the cracked one.) http://t.co/KTJ1rbRYgK
MeFi post about MOOCs. http://t.co/mLuBfipmrA @drkknits @drwitty_knitter