RT @benadida: Obama sending openly gay athletes to Sochi. Putin offering permanent asylum to Snowden. This new cold war is way more fun tha…
RT @imdominating: It’s that time of year again, kids. DANCE YER FACE OFF http://t.co/Id7gzgFeAG (cc: @web_goddess)
@randomknits I’ll see your Grumpy and raise you an Annoyed.
@ozdj To be fair, those have been there for months and months. 🙂
My 2014 zeal and willpower lasted 2.5 weeks. Now I’m dragging. Just no energy for anything!
@ozdj Hahaha, okay, I didn’t see that part. 🙂
@garethrhughes I saw you gave up fizzy drink. All of it? Or just caffeinated?
@garethrhughes I managed to break my Diet Coke addiction through judicious use of SodaStream fizzy water.
@garethrhughes Trouble is, SodaStream fizzy water also pairs excellently with cheap Scotch.