RT @GGDSydney: Who’s ready for the first GGD event for 2014? Registrations are now open: https://t.co/Vs1qHwxpFf 🙂 // And I’m presenting!!
@OzGamer My theory is that it’s a ploy by Google to make me sympathise with them by pitting then against hysterical hippies. It’s working.
I know Serious News is Serious, but every time I see the word “Davos”, I think of the Onion Knight. Just me?
@nolim1t @aimee_maree Would love to hear your particular thoughts on it, Barry! Want to meet up for coffee some morning?
We’re looking for Developers at @Mi9! Come join us. I like it here. http://t.co/QQNtTUaN7i
@nolim1t Sometime next week?
@aimee_maree What if I’d said Don Draper? It’s a Mad Men reference, but I wanted to use the plucky female rather than the dude.
RT @the_snook: I call it The Neverending Towtruck. https://t.co/qMAEMTKvrJ // Apparently I somehow missed this outside our house today. WTF.
@aimee_maree Definitely not a sitcom! Hourlong drama. You should check it out sometime; I think you’d like it.