TIL that cat cafes in Tokyo are so over, and the new hotness is RABBIT CAFES. http://t.co/WpHOSp20Xl
Loving the new @GOGET booking form where you can provide a description of the trip for your bill! Super helpful improvement. Well done.
@randomknits I was thinking of you. If I win the lottery, I’ll send you as a present.
@nolim1t I don’t know if we’re having male mentors or not. I’ll find out. I think the goal would be to have women if we can.
@nolim1t Right, but with @GOGET I’m the one driving. So I kinda know where I went and how fast, since I was the one controlling the car! 🙂
@unlikelylibrary Oh no! The mini??
I got waylaid on my way home. @ Bavarian Bier Cafe http://t.co/rN58grbfDI
RT @HarvardBiz: If You’re Not Helping People Develop, You’re Not Management Material http://t.co/hWenbcHhjT
1973 dress fashions http://t.co/FHwaszelU0 // Lairy print mini with sharp cuffs and collar? LOVE IT.
@redambition @Rellarc79 @pixel8ted Is that the one with Samwise Gamgee as Twoflower?
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits I think that was dirty on some level I can’t even follow. Dirty.
@Rellarc79 @redambition @pixel8ted I have this recorded on DVR. It nearly killed me. Sadly, I am allergic to Discworld. #haaaaaaaaate
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits She said EIGHTEEN! You went from double entendre to #nightmarefuel.
@garethrhughes @knitterjp I must listen now. I also like “Mean” and that recent duet with the dude.
Today’s bulletproof coffee experiment: double coconut oil, slightly more ghee. Complicating factor: hangover.
Lattice and rocks. (at @Bunnings Warehouse) [pic]: http://t.co/iYnIZZwBFu
And now the reward for an early start. (@ Bourke Street Bakery w/ 2 others) [pic]: http://t.co/XZqsj2lfbH
For the record, the alarm was still going at 8am. http://t.co/lq1heQZZrY
@drkknits There’s an emergency??