Shared today on Twitter

@drkknits Meh. They’re not that great. Really only a few notches above Peeps if you ask me.

@drkknits @redambition “Home made”? Two graham crackers, a burnt marshmallow, and a square of Hershey’s “chocolate”. Ew.

@drkknits @redambition Australia has ruined me for American chocolate.

@drkknits @redambition Graham crackers fucking rule though. No arguments there.

@drkknits @redambition You are blowing my mind. OHGODPUTATIMTAMONIT…

@redambition @drkknits As long as it’s the mini cups. They are the best. It is known.

@redambition @drkknits You can bake them. Never tried it though. HoneyMaid are the best.

RT @BeauGiles: So @dicksmith are bringing the #Chromecast to Australia

@Lackadazy I hate to tell you, but you are watching the WRONG Pride & Prejudice. 🙂 (Julia Sawaha 4EVA!)

New hipster vintage shelves found on Gumtree! Need more cool knick-knacks to fill it.

The bottom of my barely worn @TheFryeCompany boots…