RG rdrktr: Watch out, Boba Frock the bounty hunter is lurking about the office! // Happy Halloween! http://t.co/Oe2JFuJiEh
#frocktober day 31. THE LAST ONE! Homemade Parfait dress from @colettepatterns and high-top Chucks.… http://t.co/QwJzyIlFYv
31 days of different dresses. I made it! https://t.co/jHsKWRVUJ4 https://t.co/iGrYWGuvm2 #EverythingCounts
@msharp @mobywhale What, what? I didn’t know @maxine was leaving! Oh no! Definitely a sad farewell. 🙁
@VenessaHunt @lemon_lime Ooh, who’s that?
@alfinitum I for one welcome our new fly overlords.
Tonight’s Halloween cooking involves pumpkin pavlova. That’s right, haters. IMMA GET ALL PUNKIN SPICE ON YOUR NATIONAL DESSERT. SUCK IT.
@drkknits Nah, it’s essentially a normal pav, but you top it with a custardy pumpkin mixture. I made it before and even @gilmae liked it. 🙂
@drkknits I’m also making pumpkin baklava too, which is a new one for me. Sure you can’t come? 😉
@gilmae Hmm. Pumpkin lamington. Filing that idea for next year….
@gilmae The Snook was just musing how you could make a pumpkin lamington that incorporates real pumpkin “like a pumpkin scone.”
@gilmae Now we are debating the philosophical question of whether coconut is the defining characteristic of a lamington.
@redambition I got a membership. If you drive, I’ll get you in. Win win! 🙂
@gilmae @redambition WTF is a surfie boy? Siri was stumped. Rodd said, “No idea. Bloody Queenslanders.”
@redambition @gilmae Ahh, he recognised sunny boys. (Autocorrect fail I assume). But his mother didn’t let him eat fun things like that.
@gilmae Isn’t that… just… pumpkin pie?
@gilmae Haha! Yes! We’ll take it however we can get it.
@stufromoz @drwitty_knitter I know all that. I still think it’s silly and hypocritical when so many Oz/Kiwis embrace other U.S. things.
@stufromoz @drwitty_knitter In other words, I think Halloween hate here is now its own tradition. And that’s sad because Halloween is fun!
@stufromoz @drwitty_knitter There are so many worse examples of US cultural imperialism that should be protested instead that aren’t.
@stufromoz @drwitty_knitter Yes. I read every bit. It’s a regurgitation of many other articles I’ve read over the years.
@stufromoz @drwitty_knitter Halloween = online whinging every year, but not McDonald’s or Big Bang Theory or Justin Timberlake or Simpsons.
@stufromoz @drwitty_knitter I’m not saying I don’t agree with the argument. Just that y’all are fighting one of the BETTER imports.
@drwitty_knitter I am smiling through all the photos of kids in costumes on my FB wall. So even without them, it’s pretty fun. 🙂
@drwitty_knitter I mean, my nieces as Charlotte and Wilbur? Cutest thing ever, right?! http://t.co/pIaynDWdGK
@drkknits @drwitty_knitter @stufromoz Like Christmas or Easter?
This is an item off his bucket list, to be sure. #myheston http://t.co/tIQr7m8usF