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Reading: “Pepsi admits to testing Doritos-flavored Mountain Dew on human subjects”

@Lackadazy You are not alone.

@janiematts Sounds great! Did they expand their menu? I remember it just being on a roll of paper before.

I gave in and bought T.Swift’s album. So far I do not regret this.

Why the Election Wasn’t the Feminist Victory Many Had Hoped For –

Creativity can help extend coding opportunities to girls and underserved youth –

Reading: “6 Tips for Preparing a Paleo Thanksgiving”

@sean_p_walsh I had a webcam broadcasting my living room on my blog for years. But Iā€™m an extrovert weirdo. šŸ™‚

RT @lindseybieda: “I say totes now. It started as an accident and now I just do it.”