RT @GGDmelb: 13 places for #women & #girls to #learntocode — often times at little or no cost. http://t.co/9ilFyjJSUA // We need an Oz list!
w-g: What does the �plus sign� do in the new Spotify? – This confused me too. I liked starring things. http://t.co/SX1vIpNIe7
@RoseRed_Shoes Thanks! Need to get the bit down the side done. Nearly there.
Good event for web and app devs to attend!
Weird. Seem to have completely lost access to data on my company @Telstra plan. It worked 4 hours ago! Is there an outage?
@Telstra I work in 2000 and live in 2008. Currently no mobile data when not on wifi.
@stufromoz @Telstra Of course!
@gilmae I’m very big on the Internet. (Who was it?)
Reading: “For $29, this wearable has ‘no display, no lights, no gimmicks’ — but it could be indispensible” http://t.co/MDRQXcbryR
@gilmae Oh, that guy! @ericscheid. Yep, I know him. Back in the Sitback days…
Reading: “The State Secrets Senator Mark Udall Should Reveal” http://t.co/U5TyVxs9AB
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits Haha, I was literally just about to tweet her the same thing! 😛
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits Although I tend to DM the Skarsgard links, lest Mr Snook think I’m, uh, obsessed or something.
@mobywhale @msharp @johnallsopp @200ok Can I get in on this pow-wow? I have many thoughts on this. 🙂
@johnallsopp @mobywhale @msharp @diversionary @200ok @iamnotyourbroom @seancurtis Damn. I will be tramping the wilds of Tassie until 30th.
RT @Lackadazy: “@cumberbatchweb: Such an awesome shot of Benedict Cumberbatch courtesy of @cumberbuddy http://t.co/jYdKx0tvb3” @eatsleepbeb…
@johnallsopp @mobywhale @msharp @diversionary @200ok @iamnotyourbroom @seancurtis It’s cool. I trust you’ll share outcomes eventually. 🙂