Shared today on Twitter

@SydneyGA @Atlassian Damn! Wish I’d known about this earlier; I’ve got a prior commitment. I’ll share it around though!

w-g: Scalpers target The Fat Duck – WTF. This sucks! I can’t believe I missed out because I was honest. 🙁

Attended my first ever Toastmasters meeting tonight, and I won an award! Positive reinforcement FTW.…

RT @georgiedent: “A meritocracy is defined by those who believe they are meritorious” Lt Gen David Morrison We are all riddled with bias. #…

w-g: Pamie � Barbie Fucks It Up Again – Well, crap. I actually own a Computer Engineer Barbie. @Illdrinn

Reading: “Apple releases iOS 8.1.1 to improve performance on old products”

Reading: “The Quick and Dirty Guide to Brining Chicken or Turkey”

w-g: Technically Speaking – My friend @catehstn is one of the founders of this newsletter about tech talks…

@catehstn I put it on Google+ and LinkedIn as well. Such a great idea! Well done.

@catehstn Except I found it a day too late to rescue the terrible bio I wrote for a proposal last night. *sigh* Next time.