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@drwitty_knitter I’ve seen a number of home remedies for yeast infections that involve yogurt. The hippies seem to think it’s useful.

@drkknits Oh yes! Ham is very traditional for Christmas. 🙂

@drkknits No Christmas pudding in my experience in Midwest. Maybe East Coast tho with more English traditions?

@drkknits And fruit cake is mostly a joke.

@drkknits Oh, yeah, Christmas cookies are a big deal. People have parties. It’s s thing.

Took advantage of 30% off outdoor settings. New table and chairs! (@ IKEA in Tempe, NSW)

New table needs a new umbrella. (at @Bunnings Warehouse in Alexandria, NSW)

…And restocking the bar so we have something to sip alfresco. (@ Dan Murphy’s in Wolli Creek, NSW)

Reading: “Uber launches in Portland, Oregon despite being completely illegal there”

Lovely to catch up with @janiematts after ages!

@eskimo_sparky Kohlrabi?

Homemade zucchini bread ice cream. Oh hell yes.

Reading: “German Traffic Lights Let Pedestrians Play Pong To Pass The Time”

Reading: “Train-mounted lasers blast tracks clean”

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