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Happy blog-birthday to me! My site is now FOURTEEN years old. Who said blogs are dead?

@Orange_Swan Haha, pretty much! 🙂

Reading: “Hair Dye: A History”

Reading: “Google Unveils Windows Bug Before Microsoft Can Patch It”

Reading: “How to deal with highly negative people”

RT @131500buses: Passengers catching buses in the Sydney CBD are advised to allow additional 30 minutes travel time // Now they tell me. 🙁

@thisismywww I knew. I just didn’t realise it was going to add so much.

@thisismywww They’re not actually terminating; they detour at King St. That’s what’s making everything slow down. 🙁

@drunkenmadman What makes you assume it was a guy? And what specifically is the problem? 🙂