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@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits OH JEEZUS. HERE WE GO.

RT @IGDA_ED: Proudly declaring this @Intel/@IGDA goal: Double the number of women in the game industry by 2025! via …

@RoseRed_Shoes I’ve got 2 entered. One is 90% finished, the other about 50%. LET’S SPRINT!

Annabel Crabb at AGNSW talking about bra-burning feminism. Hell yeah! @ Art Gallery of New South Wales

@drwitty_knitter It was just colourful language. That wasn’t the literal topic of her talk. 🙂

Ugh. I firmly believe attendees at a talk should be legally required to read this flowchart before asking questions.

@creatrixtiara @catehstn Fair enough. But I just heard 7 “questions” where more than half just wanted to talk into a mic for no reason.

@creatrixtiara @catehstn Like, there should be an actual question! It’s not “share your anecdote” time.

@drwitty_knitter My favourite response is @smark31’s withering “Thank you for that useful contribution.”

@irisbuunk None of those criteria should preclude a shy person from speaking. The key is to actually ask a question, not just ramble.

@fcablog @Puffles2010 Ooooh, that’s a good one.

@venks79 Hahaha… Nah, it wasn’t actually a tech event I was at. But this pretty much applies to that too!

RT @googlemaps: A city-wide craving for cotton candy sweeps Sydney at sunset. #Australia

RT @KnitGuildNSW: The Guild now has a new logo, as you can see by our avatar. Thanks to everyone who voted in the competition.…