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@thisismywww A little more than 10x the normal traffic. But most stories updated link to point to official site rather than RDF.

@thisismywww Still, a nice little bump. 🙂

w-g: Viral. Woke up to find my Dahl site had been linked by Neil Gaiman and Tim Minchin. Traffic up 10x. Fun!

Another thing I learned today: @huffingtonpost hotlinks images from other sites. I had to block them at .htaccess. NOT COOL GUYS.

Reading: “Google’s slow fade with librarians”

@RoseRed_Shoes His family had a lot of tragedy. His wife had a stroke and took years to recover. Son Theo’s pram was hit by taxi. Awful.

@Rellarc79 You have a woman’s leg!!!

Reading: “Fourth-grader finds One Ring to rule them all, and in the darkness get him suspended”

Reading: “19 Questions For Men That Highlight Everyday Sexism”

@RoseRed_Shoes Yep. Forgot about that. And his Dad died young too.

RT @clue: We’re looking for a #CTO to join the Clue team. Know someone? Is it you? #Berlin #startups…

Reading: “How to Lose Weight in 4 Easy StepsFebruary 3, 2015 9:49 AM Subscribe”

The Dahl measles story continues. My site just got linked from @Independent: