A space-themed cat cafe is coming to Sydney. BEST. NEWS. EVER. http://t.co/NbLeFNE5Zz
As a famous woman once said, “Not my circus. Not my monkeys.”
(And by famous, I mean @knitterjp.)
RT @RailsGirls_SYD: Our next Rails Girls event is listed for March 6-7! Sign up soon and see you there 🙂 http://t.co/jadsAbyLo2 @RailsGirl…
@garethrhughes @knitterjp @SerriLaw Didn’t we used to use “applets” for that back in the day? I may have blocked it out.
@drkknits I suspect that you will enjoy this as much as I did: http://t.co/u43v2eycPs
w-g: AVENUE Q | Enmore Theatre – Finally a musical the Snook will happily attend! Booked for July 4th. 🙂 http://t.co/TlycRNLRZb
@drkknits I loved that pull quote. LOVED IT.
@gilmae I still remember when my blog was a UserFriendly Site of the Day. That was my 15 Minutes of Internet Fame for 2006.
@gilmae And if I thought my 15 minutes were up for good, what the hell is the point of being on Twitter anymore anyway? 🙂
RT @carlfish: The creepiest things you can do on Facebook: http://t.co/ZbGlfSCvXC
Teenage coders behind Tampon Run take their feminist game to the App Store http://t.co/rQgn0vhdKk // Installed! My commute will be fun.
Reading: “Exclusive: How This Man Got the Media to Fall for ShipYourEnemiesGlitter Stunt” http://t.co/K5kzfb8Z5n
Reading: “Under Armour acquires weight loss app, MyFitnessPal, for $475 million dollars” http://t.co/B2wbwxqrMM
Reading: “Businesses Offer A Link To The Past For Lovers Of Old Video Games” http://t.co/yeNCvpjLt7