I went to get my hair blow-dried on a work day. It felt terribly grown-up.
@mobywhale Thank you! You’ve seen the original anyway. 🙂
Lubrication. I’m up first at #ignitesydney. T-minus 60 minutes to go… https://t.co/owQGw1XScf
RT @halans: T-30m for @web_goddess’ “Granny was a hacker” #ignitesydney http://t.co/xD1tUVyynt
Phew. Nailed it! Should’ve allowed more time for laughs. #ignitesydney #relieved
RT @halans: Kris Howard @web_goddess : Granny was a hacker #ignitesydney http://t.co/5EgE6kGcak
@tur_nr Ha, thought I spotted you! Yeah, I think I was more nervous in front of your team. 🙂
RT @svetaz: Such a great rush presenting at #ignitesydney – I’m in a great company of inspiring presenters. An evening of new thoughts and …
@halans Fantastic shot! You did a great job capturing the night. 🙂
@halans Mind if I put the one of me on my blog? Will credit you and link to your site. Just want to show my mom. 🙂
@halans I’ll wait til tomorrow then. Thanks!
Reading: “The Morning Routine Experts Recommend for Peak Productivity” http://t.co/aADoA7GvD2
I had a fantastic time presenting at #ignitesydney last night. Thanks to the organisers for giving me… https://t.co/xb3rYo4X8D