Game of Thrones: The 7 Deaths That Could Take Everyone By Surprise – If Ser Davos dies, I WILL LOSE IT.
RT @LeeshaHannigan: Warning: this will be me at Spectrum. And IlluxCon. // Me at just about every tech event. 🙁
Could everyone else stop watching Netflix so my Outlander episode will stop buffering? Thanks. #firstworldproblem
Started the long weekend with an experiment: Epic Pancake (made in the rice cooker)! A little overly…
@stufromoz Chippendale is, like, dead last on the NBN list. The only way we’re getting faster Internet is moving house.
Hm. Don’t remember this plot line from Outlander book. Don’t know if it’s invented for show, or I skipped it to get to the sexy book bits.
Both are equally plausible.
@knitterjp Wait. 626? I just noticed that. YOU ARE INSANE.
Reading: “Hop Theory Is Making Tea Bags For Beer Drinkers”
@susiegii I thought you were going to Reno?
RT @freebsdgirl: Tales from the Trenches: I was SWATed