It’s important to ease oneself back into work mode after a long weekend. @ Lord Nelson Brewery Hotel
I’m on a panel at the next Sydney Technology Leaders meetup on Thursday. Please say hello if you come along!
@mobywhale Haha, @darthted roped me into it at about 5:30 tonight. Must’ve been desperate. 😉
@blahblahzine It works now! 🙂
Brontosaurus Is Officially A Dinosaur Again – Now if Pluto regains planetary status, our kindy knowledge is all good!
@gilmae Anyone can attend. Free pizza and beer! 🙂
@paulangov Went to RSVP to RHoK ideation but it says they’re closed?
RT @JennaGuillaume: “Look, it has pockets!” – every woman wearing a dress with pockets