Fey, JLD, & Schumer on Aging Out of Hollywood — Vulture – I LOLed when she chugged the Ben & Jerry’s. HELL YEAH. http://t.co/e4Yf1GZEy5
Awww. I know what @drkknits is getting for Christmas this year! (Actually, we’ll get matching ones.) 😛 http://t.co/A8UDesl9Yp
Reading: ““Women Of Silicon Valley” Is An Even Cooler “Humans Of New York”” http://t.co/XAcQRCLRzY
RT @imdominating: The noise I just made A++ RT @IMKristenBell: #Tyrion Lannister is the Logan Echolls of #GameofThrones
@Geek_Manager Cool cool! Well, there’s a GGD Sydney meet on June 9th. Maybe I’ll see you there! 🙂
HAIL! Fun.
Hail is LOUD! @ Chippendale https://t.co/c1pF4jgXu4
RT @i386: Looks like it snowed in Sydney park #SydneyStorm http://t.co/4dU1S8M4RI
@knitterjp Holy crap!
RT @ConstantStars: Bloody good work, sky gods. I was running low on ice. http://t.co/IxHkjvSgNC
Me: “Will you please bake me some ANZAC bickies?” Best idea ever. #nomnomnom #nofilter https://t.co/0esHDRA6Qd
@rowdyrabbit Yeah, he tried a recipe with macadamias. They were great!
RT @imdominating: It only took 30 years, but we made it official. ZOMG I STILL LOVE MIKEY https://t.co/EhzjELCMEZ