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@darthted Next time @findercomau has an internal one, let me know. Happy to come give my talk to your team the day before!

@darthted But you have a natural +1 advantage anyway by being American. People believe us more because we sound like we’re on television.

RT @amishschool: Just told a coworker not to bother me when I’m eating which effectively means he can never speak to me again.

Cadbury Have Confirmed That Vegemite Chocolate Is Going To Be A Thing – The end times are clearly upon us.

RT @GGDSydney: Are you female back end dev available to take part in #shehacks2015 ? We’ve had some cancellations so sign up!…

Robinhood – Free share trading coming to Australia. Sign up for early access. (The Snook is very excited about it.)

Reading: “McCall’s Releases Cosplay Sewing Patterns”