RT @i386: I can’t wait until we’ve shipped. It’s going to knock your socks off.
@cliffobrecht @nicwinton @i386 I thought my house was a Warcraft-free zone til the latest expansion. Now I’m surrounded there AND here?!
@SerriLaw I hope it went well – I’m sure you crushed it! 😛 Congrats on finishing…
Listening to @samuelriley of @ansarada kick off leadership session with @JohnMaxwellTeam. http://t.co/NApe4Aw4M3
“Leaders create culture; culture produces results.” Ooh. I like that. @JohnMaxwellTeam @ansarada
The minute a “leader” has to invoke their title or authority, they’ve shown their insecurity and failure to lead. #qft
Thanks @chrismfuller and @ansarada for an inspiring session tonight!
RT @themaninblue: 23,104 pixels of the Canva iPad app was featured in the WWDC keynote today! (For 0.2 seconds) https://t.co/s6CDWVMamS
The terrible and wonderful reasons why I run long distances – Oatmeal – Damn I miss running. http://t.co/H1lblA70vD http://t.co/bMgO73Ph02
RT @kushaanshah: Remember in 2011 when @canva didn’t exist and you couldn’t create professional design without money or Photoshop wizardry?…
CycleHack Sydney is coming up June 19-21. Help think of ideas to address barriers to cycling! http://t.co/QYgbiXW7u8 http://t.co/iBb1XhEQBa
iOS 9 on iPhone 6: Hidden Features and settings | BGR http://t.co/0sMvYfcv7D http://t.co/9YB1O5fSKo