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One of the most popular password security companies just admitted it was hacked

Today’s Spotify playlist: “Americana for Hipsters.” I am not kidding.

@lifeasdaddy I use mSecure, which doesn’t use a centralised service. More of a hassle, but safer in cases like this!

RT @nytimes: Buried in the source code of Jeb Bush’s website was a synopsis of the “Die Hard” movie…

On a whim, I decided to try a latte with almond milk at the cafe today.

I chose poorly.

@jennijenni I suspect you’re right! Why don’t cafes have coconut milk? I use that at home in coffee and it’s delicious.

@snaxolotl Agreed. I’d only had it cold before. Blechhhhhhh.

@darthted @msharp Zing! 😛

Sophie Xie – “tldr; I was successful in moments I quit being a nice girl and started becoming a monster.” LOVE IT.

@gilmae It’s like I can feel myself undergoing a physical transformation each day as I walk through the Devonshire street tunnel…

One week so far at @Canva, and today I got to write content for an email going out to 2.6M people. Eep!

I’d also like to thank @i386 for this gem today: “pfft stop feeding your impostor syndrome”. I should embroider that on a pillow.

RT @i386: Slightly momentous @canva

@i386 @canva I like how it looks like we’re all staring at something fascinating, when really it was just Matt clicking a button.

If “Game Of Thrones” Were Told By Charlie Brown And Snoopy The Sally one is my favourite.

@TheRealBnut Not sure. Unlike @i386, I can’t drink iced coffee when it’s frickin’ freezing out!

NOOOOOO. Do you see it? Whole night’s work RUINED. #fml #frogit

RT @mobywhale: We’ve got another SydCSS event coming up in 2 weeks! Looking forward to @iamnotyourbroom and @ijayessbe’s talks…

Can’t believe I waited this long into winter to bust out the coloured tights! @welovecolors