Shared today on Twitter

RT @SallyPompom: Open to members AND non-members.

@randomknits Was about to proclaim my jealousy when I realised I could probably wear that in Surry Hills and no one would bat an eyelid. πŸ™‚

I was really sad to get this email this morning. Thank you Valerie, Mary, and everyone else involved.

@FlipPrior Congrats! That’s definitely one for the bucket list. πŸ™‚

@Xavier_Ho That looks like a fantastic event. Are there any guidelines on what makes a good proposal? Or examples from previous years?

@Xavier_Ho Brilliant, thank you! (And nope – no notification for quotes. Interesting…)

@Xavier_Ho I’ve turned off all the emails, and I use Tweetdeck on the desktop. So I was never going to get it anyway. πŸ™‚

@Xavier_Ho Also just found this, which seems useful too!

The Apple Music playlist creators continue to kick ass. Today’s soundtrack:

@randomknits The Fabric Store! Indeed – they have a big “now open Sundays” sign in the window. πŸ™‚ @LoveFabricStore

@randomknits Oh wait, did you mean in Chippendale?

Me: Damn. That class I wanted to take is same day as career summit I’m speaking at. πŸ™

Snook: Have you tried not being incredibly popular?

@randomknits The Chippo one is Fabric Muse: Not open Sundays though. πŸ™

RT @AngelaBishop: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a rock star in possession of a pair of leather pants, must go commando. #len…

@drwitty_knitter Ah, did you not know about that one? It’s been there for a couple years. On Cleveland St, but they don’t advertise much.

@drwitty_knitter Not a massive range, but it’s all high-end stuff from what I’ve seen!

Google just boosted the odds that it will eventually acquire Twitter On plus side, maybe @the_snook will use it then.

Anybody want to buy my 2 tix to Insert Coins tomorrow night? The Snook’s been really sick so partying is cancelled.

@DamonOehlman That’s an awesome security feature, more like.

@gilmae I dunno; I don’t think @SamuelKillin wants to be a robot. I suspect he’s just lazy about cooking sometimes. πŸ˜›

There really was.

Woohoo! Thanks @pyko. Pineapple on pizza is scientifically proven to be THE BEST.

@pyko Ooh, new game! How did I miss that? I’ll have to get Rodd to install on his Android so I can play. πŸ™‚

It’s important to stay hydrated when working late into the night. #g&t #startuplife

@tinypang @tableflipclub Hells yeah!

@developerjack My portion of the actual work is a lot smaller than @i386’s. One of the perks of being the non-engineer n00b. πŸ™‚

@developerjack You really do.

@i386 @developerjack Not even! I made the mistake of teaching @MelanieCanva to push the buttons, and she has stolen my glory.

@developerjack @i386 Oh, I’m long gone. This is my view right now:

Hillary Clinton and the ‘Makeup Tax’ That Hurts All Women – The Atlantic GRAR. (β•―Β°β–‘Β°)β•―οΈ΅ ┻━┻

@sundress And the stupid thing is – I occasionally like wearing it (I love bright colours) but then if ppl comment on it, I feel pressure

@sundress like I should wear it all the time, and ugh, who has time for that?, and patriarchy, and spitefulness, and GRAR, table flip. πŸ™‚


@i386 WOOOO! I couldn’t believe it when I saw the timestamps in hipchat. You’re a legend.